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Upgrade Your General Management Knowledge with Modern Concepts

08 June 2023

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Upgrade Your General Management Knowledge with Modern Concepts


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The modern-day concept of general management has completely changes the way managers look at their job profile today. Over the years multiple management theories have become more extensive, which are being used by the general managers as guiding forces to help them develop adequate leadership skills. 

The traditional concept of the management process focuses on what roles managers perform- from planning a project to organizing, leading and bringing results in their respective department. 

In today’s world of digitalization, it has become imperative for working professionals to upgrade their skills constantly, especially when we are talking about modern day management techniques. 

Online MBA from IIM Raipur allows you to learn from the comfort of your home, with minimum disruption to their work-life balance. There are three major theories that help managers develop the modern concepts General Management: 

The Quantitative Approach

The quantity approach is centered on data and mathematical techniques. These techniques give a quantitative basis for decision making, considering management as a system of mathematical models and processes. 

Different mathematical and quantitative techniques or tools like linear programming, simulating and queuing are being used in all areas of general management. IIM Raipur online MBA program offers extensive coverage of integrated business simulations.

Systems Approach

The systems approach depicts that an organization functions with an interconnected group of systems that work together to bring out the best results. An organization works like a machine, following the three basic steps:

  • Collecting Data: Which refer to Information or collected data that goes into the machine
  • Process the collected data: Utilizing the collected data using relevant tools and techniques
  • Output Received: The final product created using refined data.

Contingency Viewpoint

The contingency viewpoint stresses over the processes wherein the management functions independently, which basically rely on a manager’s conceptual skill-set, his/her decision-making capabilities & interpersonal characteristics. 

This viewpoint calls for an identification of the internal and external variables that critically influence managerial revolution and organizational performance. It points out that management policies and practices must adjust to change in the environment to be effective. 

With IIM Raipur’s online MBA program, the aspiring managers will learn directly from their interaction with peers and faculty, which will augment many skills, appreciation of differing perspectives, effective communication, conflict management, negotiation and mobilizing individuals towards common goals-all essential ingredients of effective management practices.

Online MBA Programme with IIM Raipur

The two year online MBA program with IIM Raipur helps improve your leadership skills, helps you enhance your analytical skill-set, the overall aim of the program is to prepare participants for an advanced career in management by giving a solid foundation in various management topics that are essential for building capabilities to take on the new forms of competition. 

The curriculum of IIM Raipur online MBA will take you through the state of the art industry trends, helping you shape your career under the guidance of eminent faculty of IIM Raipur, having vast industry experience.

The Executive Post Graduate Program in Management (Awarded as MBA Degree) is designed in such a way that it minimizes disruption of work and personal pursuit. 

The Program is spread over twenty four months, which would ideally be planned and delivered on direct to device mode during in collaboration with Nulearn, a leading ed-tech company in India. 

The Program offers a blend of various general management theories, soft skills and analytical methods with real-world business scenario cases. It has 1000+ hours of teaching spread across six terms of 4 months each and an additional term in the end,  which includes On-Campus Modules, Project Training & Industry Dissertation & Rural / International Immersion. 

The selection process is designed to ensure significant diversity in academic, business and cultural background.

The overall goal of the programme is to broaden core leadership competencies to further enhance the professional growth of participants. The specific objectives of the programme are:

  • To develop an ability to integrate decisions and solutions across disciplines in complex decision-making environments.
  • To appreciate the influence of macro and micro business environmental factors.
  • To incorporate a clear framework for ethical and value-based decision-making supported by unyielding personal integrity.
  • To have a professional presence and the ability to articulate a vision needed to motivate others and lead diverse teams of people.
  • To develop values and proactive attitudes for societal well-being.

For more information please visit : Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management


Published with permission from our partner Nulearn.


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