Course Report
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Course Features
4 hours
Delivery Method
Available on
Limited Access
Mobile, Desktop, Laptop
Teaching Type
Self Paced
Video Content
4 hours
Course Description
Course Overview
Virtual Labs
International Faculty
Post Course Interactions
Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions
Skills You Will Gain
Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Python
What You Will Learn
In this course, you'll tackle this first with rule-based systems and then with machine learning
You will build one of each and put everything together to make a helpful, friendly chatbot
Course Content
Module 1: Chatbots 101
1. Introduction to conversational software
2. EchoBot I
3. EchoBot II
4. Creating a personality
5. Chitchat
6. Adding variety
7. ELIZA I: asking questions
8. Text processing with regular expressions
9. ELIZA II: Extracting key phrases
10. ELIZA III: Pronouns
11. ELIZA IV: Putting it all together
Course Instructors
Course Reviews
Average Rating Based on 3 reviews