Course Report
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Course Features
3 months
Delivery Method
Available on
Limited Access
Desktop, Laptop
10 hours per week
Teaching Type
Self Paced
Course Description
Course Overview
Virtual Labs
Job Assistance
Personlized Teaching
International Faculty
Post Course Interactions
Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions
Case Studies, Captstone Projects
Skills You Will Gain
Write and read code using Python with 1 or more years of experience, including knowledge of loops, if/then statements, data types, functions, classes, and objects
Create a free-tier Azure account for this course, which requires a computer with command-line access, an up-to-date Web browser, and an email address
Demonstrate conceptual cloud skills
Demonstrate basic Linux shell skills
What You Will Learn
Learn to develop and deploy cloud-based applications on Microsoft Azure, the cloud services platform used by 95% of Fortune 500 companies
Azure Infrastructure Operations
Ensuring Quality Releases (Quality Assurance)
Target Students
This Nanodegree program accepts everyone, regardless of experience and specific background
Course Instructors
Corporate Sponsors