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Google Go Programming for Beginners (Golang)

Course Cover
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Course Features



5 hours


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

5 hours

Course Description

There are many programming languages available, and more are being added almost every day. It's a good idea to learn a few new languages in order to keep up with the latest trends and expand your skills. Google Go (golang), is the programming language that Google created. It is an essential tool to improve your coding skills. This course will cover everything you need about Go.

Each section of the course is divided into sections that become more complex as you go along. You will be challenged over 41 lectures and 4 hours. However, you can move at your own pace without becoming overwhelmed. You will be able to get up and running quickly with the real-world golang examples.

Once you have been introduced to Go, you will be able to understand its various features, functions, structures, and interfaces. Before you tackle the course project, you'll be able to expand your knowledge on elements such as polymorphism and encryption. You'll be able to use Go in real-world applications or switch to a more advanced programming language once you have completed the course.

Use of Tools

LiteIDE: Lite IDE, an open-source integrated development environment that is used with Go to write codes, is a useful alternative. Google Go: Google Go is an open-source programming language that is used in many systems, as well as other applications not affiliated with Google. It's compiled in C++ tradition and is easy to learn for people with programming experience.

Course Overview


Alumni Network


International Faculty


Case Based Learning


Post Course Interactions


Case Studies,Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain

What You Will Learn

Learn Go fundamentals and apply them in real world scenarios

Get to grip with advanced features like Go Language and Concurrency

Understand and develop your knowledge of programming fundamentals

Build up a knowledge foundation for more advanced programming languages

Learn the language behind the super popular Docker technology

Target Students

This course has been designed for anyone who is familiar with coding and programming languages, but has not yet turned their hand to Google Go

It's also perfect for beginner programmers who want to diversify their skills by learning a new language

It's not intended for complete beginners learning their first language, although it does make an excellent follow-up course

Course Instructors

Brian Hernandez

Web development Instructor

Brian Hernandez has been in the development field for over a decade. Brian works extensively with Full Stack Web Development, MEAN Stack, MEMR (Mango, Express, MySQL, React) Stack and other Modern We...
Course Cover