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Course Features
3 hours
Delivery Method
Available on
Lifetime Access
Desktop, Laptop
Teaching Type
Self Paced
Video Content
3 hours
Course Description
Course Overview
Job Assistance
Personlized Teaching
Hands-On Training,Industry Exposure
Case Studies, Captstone Projects
Skills You Will Gain
What You Will Learn
Learn how JavaScript works and find out how to use its many advantages
Master all the fundamental features of JavaScript starting from basic concepts such as Variables, Objects, Functions, Scopes, Operators, etc.
Become well-versed with more advanced concepts like ADVANCED topics as Closures, Hoisting, Function Expressions, Classes, and many more.
Understand and Use the new Features and Concepts introduced with ES6
Build an impressive portfolio of work by adding creative real-time projects
Get ready to crack any interview by mastering the internals of JS
Target Students
Anyone who is looking forward to understand all concepts of the language
Programmers with knowledge of other programming languages like Python, Java, C++ etc
JavaScript developers can also join this course for mastering further advance concepts
Course Content
Module 1: Beginner Module
1. JavaScript - Introduction
2. HELLO WORLD in JavaScript
3. Basics of JavaScript
4. External JavaScript
5. JavaScript Logical Operators
Course Instructors
Ashwin Pk