In the "old days", freelancing was something you tried when you could not find a "real job". Not anymore! Today, over 60% of americans are or have been freelancers! Freelancing is not only a fast-growing world of opportunities, but in this introductory course, you will discover why there is a "perfect storm" brewing that is making online freelancing an even more lucrative opportunity for you. If you have ever wondered "where did all the jobs go? " Well, many of them are now available to freelancing pros like you! You will discover the wide variety of jobs, tasks and "gigs" that are available to you as a freelancer and you will also discover the fascinating world of "micro jobs". We cover the top services you can provide as a freelancing professional and also cover the best websites for each category of services so that you save time and frustration. Also included in this course is a bonus 111-page e book titled: freelancing profits, as well as the entire presentation in pdf from so you can take notes as you go. Take a look at the course curriculum below and be sure to sample some of the free lectures, too!