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Careervira Learning
Experience Platform (LXP)

Experience World-Class Learn Experience Platform (LXP), powered by AI. Accelerate your L&D efforts with personalisation, top courses and most affordable platform.


Careervira’s LXP connects the dots and builds an integrated, intuitive and personalised learning experience from learning to assessing skills to building career growth paths

Learn - Get personalised learning experience among top courses globally

Skill - Upskill and assess your skills and skill gaps, build upskilling plan backed by analytics and benchmarks

Grow - Build your learn paths and career paths basis learning objectives and career goals

Learning Experience Platform (LXP)

Careervira LXP

Careervira, a Global First X-Platform LXP, mapping your skill gaps, build personalised
learning recommendations and create goal-based learn paths and career paths

roles skills | Careervira

Roles & Skills Map

Personalised Recommendations | Careervira

Personalised Recommendations

Learning Journey Basis Career Paths | Careervira

Learning Journey Basis Career Paths

Multi-Platform Content

Multi-Platform Content

20+ enterprise learning partners, 40K+ courses, 3.5K+ skills

Roles and Skills Map

Roles and Skills Map

Multi-sector, multi-level 3K+ roles and 3.5K+ skills

Learning Journeys

Learning Journeys

Learning and career path planning basis personalisation, goals and L&D objectives

Personalised Recommendations

Personalised Recommendations

Scale cohort-based common learning goals with 'learning journeys'



Enterprise-grade admin controls for L&D planning, cohort management and budget allocation

Sector Benchmarks

Sector Benchmarks

Sector benchmarks for skills and skill gaps by role and level

careervira | Top LXP platforms

Roles and Skills Map

Careervira aims to build world's first multi-sector roles, skills and skill-gaps by role and level. It ensures better L&D objective definitions, building robust capability plans and bridging skill-gaps for your organisation.

Roles - 3K+ roles, multi-sector, multi-level, multi-geo

Skills - 3.5K+ tech and non-tech skills

Role-Skill-Learn map and recommendations

3K+ Job Functions & Roles

3K+ Job Functions & Roles

Multi-sector, multi-level, multi-geo helping build career paths and learn paths

3.5K+ Skills Map

3.5K+ Skills Map

Multi-sector, multi-level skill benchmarking, helping build skill gap and skill benchmarks

Skill & Competency Maps

Skill & Competency Maps

Define roles with skills and, benchmark competency basis sector and level. Make performance management transparent and effective.

Skill Gap

Skill Gap

Careervira leverages AI to identify current competency and skill gap of your workforce, by analysing assessments, course completion and manager inputs

Learning Recommendations

Learning Recommendations

Careervira’s AI-driven learning recommendations are personalised, aligning with individual roles, skill gaps and career goals

Career Paths

Career Paths

Careervira’s AI predicts career paths, identifying successive roles, essential skills and learn path for your professional growth

Personalised Learning Experience

Personalised Learning Experience
careervira | Top LXP platforms

Personalised Learning Experience

Careervira has built best-in-class AI-backed personalised learning recommendations. Now you can plan your learning journey basis your skills and skill-gaps, career goals like - promotions, job change, salary growth etc. Our AI module always recommends best learning choices from top global content partners. We also, attribute learning to career impact, helping L&D and line managers upskill teams for the future with ease.

Roles, skill based learning recommendations

Skill gap analysis, learn path and career path planning

Career goals based learning recommendations

L&D Admin Management

L&D Admin Management
careervira | Top LXP platforms

L&D Admin Management

Careervira LXP & LMS enables L&D managers plan their learning cohorts, with specified budgets and personalised learning recommendations. L&D Admins have full control on all aspects of learning and tuition reimbursements. Our LXP also helps admins access and plan cohort-based learning journeys.

Budget management via multi-currency global wallet

Approval for learning stipends and Tuition reimbursement

Seamless cohort and learning journey creations

Performance management with roles, skills and competency planning

careervira | Top LXP platforms

Cohort & Learning Journeys

Careervira LXP helps L&D admins build cohorts basis common learning objectives and goals. Admins can also build learning journeys basis common learning tracks like new joinees, promotions, new managers, upskilling, etc.

Seamless learning cohort management

Learning journey basis on common learn paths

Streamlining learning tracks for new joinees, new managers and promotions

Custom Learning Journeys

Custom Learning Journeys

Build learning journeys for unique learning use cases by defining courses, their sequence, deadlines and learning goals, with full control over content and structure

AI-Curated Learning Journeys

AI-Curated Learning Journeys

AI-Curated Learning Journeys deliver AI-curated, non-editable paths of the best available courses on Careervira, for specific pre-defined learning use cases

AI-Assisted Learning Journeys

AI-Assisted Learning Journeys

Enhance learning journeys with AI-Assisted Journeys, where AI recommends courses for pre-defined use cases, and allows managers to build customizable learning journeys faster



Build Cohorts of users with a common learning or career goal, which enables ease of assigning learn paths and tracking learning progress



Gain insights with advanced analytics, enabling effective tracking of learning journeys, performance metrics and deadlines

Goal-Based Recommendations

Goal-Based Recommendations

With AI-powered recommendations, Careervira suggests additional learning options for users basis goals and use cases of learning journeys, matching users' skill gaps and career aspirations


With Careervira’s analytics dashboard, track individual and cohort learning progress, analyse upskilling,
reskilling, and measure learning outcomes for effective workforce development across platforms

User Analytics

User Analytics

L&D managers can track users' learning progress and benchmark outcomes against user learning goals with skill competency progress, completion rate and promptness

Track Cohorts & Learning Journeys

Track Cohorts & Learning Journeys

Track the learning progress of your cohorts and teams, and measure metrics basis the cohorts' collective learning goals

Track Progress

Track Progress

Measure the impact of integrating your L&D strategy on Careervira with advanced analytics that helps you benchmark on assessments, completion rate, upskilling and collaboration, compiling data across various content platforms

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Accelerate your L&D Strategy Execution with Careervira