A person who is an integration engineer a person who integrates various types of computer software and components in a group. The job is mostly mental and requires a variety of abilities. This includes having knowledge of a variety of technological fields (depending on the field of business) and providing support for various projects, and understanding how to keep various software tools in operation which are tailored to their clients' and business requirements.
It is usually a position that requires years of knowledge and training in engineering. They typically collaborate with engineering, sales, and software development teams to improve their methods of deployment for their business and their objectives. The typical tasks include preparing budget projections, approving budgets, and overseeing the work of a team. They must also be able to resolve all technical problems that may arise in the hardware or software. The position typically requires a flexible and able mind because technology is constantly evolving, and the requirement to stay current and educated is necessary for the work. The majority of integration architect jobs require a long period of work experience.
Integration architects must typically have at minimum a bachelor's degree in sciences in engineering, computer science, or information science and technology. A degree a heavy in science and math is considered to be beneficial. A master's degree in systems engineering is the next step in training for integration architects. It is also advantageous to have integration architects Citrix certified. Experimentation with a variety of devices and databases is crucial.