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Public Health and Nursing


Learn Path Description

Analyse the values, theory, concepts, and principles of public and global health. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedented demands are being placed on public healthcare systems, at both a national and a local level – with community health in the spotlight as never before. On this ExpertTrack, you’ll comprehensively explore how nurses can contribute to positive public health promotion and reform, inspired by the founder of modern nursing Florence Nightingale. Learning from healthcare experts at Coventry University, you’ll consider how nurses can improve the health of communities, and discover the strategies and techniques you need to help you improve public health in your region. Explore the role of nurses in public health promotion You’ll examine what it means to ‘be healthy’, defining what good public health looks like now, and what it might look like in the future. From there, you’ll explore how nurses can ethically contribute to health promotion – empowering people to have the personal agency to improve their own health. Discover why financial health inequalities persist Looking at the social factors behind poor public health, you’ll explore the causes of growing health inequalities in society. You’ll identify what wellbeing means in practise, and study the social model of health to understand what you can do to make a difference in a world with unequal access to nursing and care. Create a successful community health needs assessment You’ll consider what constitutes a community, and explore the best strategies for contributing to a community health needs assessment, including epidemiological, comparative, and corporate approaches. Understand how to undertake effective public health interventions by examining individual and community health needs, and exploring issues surrounding community empowerment, participation, and development. Become a public health promotion leader Ultimately, you’ll gain the skills you need to lead a culture of public health in your nursing practice. You’ll learn how to create a public health action model, and see how public health partnerships can improve healthcare policy. On completing the ExpertTrack, you’ll have comprehensive training in how nurses can drive change in their communities, confident in your ability not only to provide care, but lead as a social reformer and public health campaigner – just as Nightingale did 150 years ago. 

Skills You Will Gain

Courses In This Learning Path


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Public Health and Nursing: Drive Public Health Promotion

The promotion of well-being and public health is at the center of both national and international agendas. This course will help you reflect on the importance of nurses as health promoters. It is a model of nursing that Florence Nightingale established in 1927. Before you can define what it means to be healthy, you will need to understand what globalisation is and how it impacts healthcare. Your nursing practice will change as the times change, and you'll be able to identify reasons why. You'll explore the concept and practice of health promotion in week 2. Nightingale started nursing education and training programs. The ethical dilemmas that nurses face in this field and how you can reconcile them with your work as social reformers will be covered.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Public Health and Nursing: The Greatest Wealth is Health

As a nurse, it is crucial to think critically about your health and wellbeing. You should also evaluate how your beliefs and attitudes regarding health inequality may affect your approach to public and private health in your daily practice.

This course will encourage you to consider the meaning of health, as well as holistic, medical and social approaches to it.

You will explore various health models and critique the medical model.

This course will allow you to understand what wellbeing is in practice and why it matters within the context of social reform and health promotion.

It is important for nurses to remember that healthcare access is not universal.

You'll be accompanied by Coventry health experts to learn about why health inequalities persist between rich and poor, and explore both social and behavioral factors.

Finally, we'll examine how to address these health inequalities. This includes examining the distribution power and resources within society.

This course is for nurses who are already experienced and want to learn more about how they can promote health.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Public Health and Nursing: Feeling the Community's Pulse

Nursing practice is based on the assessment of clients and patients. This involves the identification of current and future health requirements as a basis to plan therapeutic interventions.

This course will allow you to analyze the community you work in and consider how you can respond to public health issues.

This course will explain what it means for a community to evaluate its health needs and how it can help improve overall health performance.

You'll examine national and local health priorities and reflect on what a community looks like. Then you will learn how to profile it in order to make effective interventions.

You'll work with Coventry University nursing experts to identify and compare corporate approaches to community health needs assessments, as well as the merits of each.

After examining how nurses can use a systematic approach to local health needs assessments, you will reflect on how your knowledge can be combined to make a community healthier.

This course is for nurses who are already experienced and want to learn more about how they can promote health.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Public Health and Nursing: Healing the Community

This course will help you understand why and how to promote public health in your role as a healthcare professional.

Learn how community empowerment can engage people with public health and be introduced to effective models and approaches to health promotion.

Nurses who work in the community see firsthand the value of community empowerment in improving their overall health and well-being.

This course will teach you how a variety of health information can be used to help us identify and assess priority actions and how to analyze and identify the health needs that should have priority for your community.

It is crucial to get your community involved in the health priorities you have established. This course will teach you how to engage your community in health promotion strategies and models.

This course will increase your knowledge about community health promotion and teach you practical ways to encourage community participation in public healthcare.

The second week of this course will focus on the lower-right paradigm of Beattie's model for health promotion, community development.

Additionally, you will be taught the skills required for community empowerment, participation and development.

You'll learn how to promote health in your community and how to implement them in your own community.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Public Health and Nursing: Building a Culture of Health

This course will teach you about the importance of health policy and strategic partnerships in health promotion. It also teaches you how to promote a culture for public health in your area of practice. It is becoming increasingly clear that society needs to transform to improve and sustain health and well-being, reduce inequalities and redefine what it means for people to be healthy. This course will equip you with the skills to become a leader in health at work and in your community. This course will introduce you to a health promotion model that transforms society's view of health and how public policy can help to facilitate this transformation and model implementation.

Public health improvement is a key component of partnerships. Learn what makes a partnership work and how to organize partnerships across many sectors and organisations. Learn how to create partnerships that are based on your community's health priorities. You will also learn how to use stakeholder analysis and manage the influence of stakeholders on your initiative's success. This course will prepare you for a leadership, implementation, and management role in public health promotion. By leading on new policy and partnerships in health, you'll be able to influence others and improve their health. You should feel confident about your leadership abilities and growth by the end of this course. You'll be able to influence, negotiate, persuade, and improve your leadership skills. Additionally, you will understand the importance of these skills for public health promotion.
