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PG Level Advanced Certification Programme in Mobility Engineering

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Course Report - PG Level Advanced Certification Programme in Mobility Engineering

Course Report

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Course Features



10 months


Delivery Method



Available on

Limited Access



Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Instructor Paced


Video Content

10 months

Course Description

The Indian automotive industry is set to create 65 million jobs in the next decade, according to the Automotive Mission Plan (AMP) 2026. This presents a huge opportunity for individuals looking to deepen their knowledge in the field of urban transportation systems, electric vehicles, and modern vehicle design. To cater to this demand, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has developed a state-of-the-art curriculum that covers these topics and more.

The curriculum offered by IISc includes certificate-level courses, advanced-level certificates, and postgraduate (PG) certificate courses in mobility engineering. These courses are designed and delivered by distinguished faculty members from IISc, ensuring that students receive high-quality education and training.

The mobility engineering courses cover various aspects of engineering, including programming, certification, and advanced-level programs. By completing these courses, individuals can enhance their skills and knowledge in engineering and gain a competitive edge in the industry.

The certificate-level courses provide a solid foundation in mobility engineering, while the advanced level certificates offer more specialized knowledge and expertise. The PG certificate courses are designed for individuals who want to pursue higher education in engineering or enhance their existing qualifications.

Overall, the mobility programme offered by IISc aims to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the automotive industry. With the increasing demand for electric vehicles and advancements in vehicle design, this programme provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to stay ahead of the curve and contribute to the growth of the Indian automotive industry.

By enrolling in these courses, individuals can not only enhance their career prospects but also contribute to the development of sustainable and efficient transportation systems. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience provided by IISc ensures that students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities in the field of mobility engineering.




Course Credibility

Top 5 Percentile



Top 5 Percentile


Hands on training

Top 5 Percentile




Course Credibility

Delivered through TalentSprint a renowned institution in the field, this course offers a comprehensive learning experience.



Designed for newcomers to Automotive Electrical Systems & Electronics, this course provides a tailored and comprehensive overview, facilitating effective learning and understanding of the subject. It caters to beginners' needs, ensuring a smooth and engaging introduction to the Automotive Electrical Systems & Electronics field.


Hands on training

This course stands out as one of the top 5 percentile options in Automotive Electrical Systems & Electronics, offering unparalleled hands-on training. Learners gain practical experience and skills through immersive learning, preparing them for real-world challenges. It ensures a well-rounded skill set, catering to a range of learning preferences. With a focus on Hands on training and Capstone Projects / Industry-Simulation as well as essential Case Based Learning, this course is tailored to meet diverse educational needs.

Course Overview


Live Class


Human Interaction


Personlized Teaching


Case Based Learning


Post Course Interactions


Case Studies,Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions


Case Studies, Captstone Projects

Skills You Will Gain


B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech or equivalent master's degree

Minimum 50% marks in Degree

Minimum 2 years

What You Will Learn

You will have gained a deeper understanding of the design, dynamics and systems of electric and hybrid vehicles

You could scale your career with lucrative job opportunities in the fast-evolving mobility space where a skilled professional receives a 35% hike in remuneration

You can also tap into new opportunities in the mobility industry especially in the EV sector where investments worth $1.7 Bn were made in 2021 and now the space is soon to create 50 Mn jobs by 2030

Target Students

Are a current and aspiring automotive industry professional

Are keen to be an early adopter in the future of mobility

Appreciate the value of learning from the best in the world

Course Instructors

Prof. R V Ravikrishna

Programme Director

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IISc Head, National Centre for Combustion Research & Development, IISc Research Expertise: Energy Systems & Thermal Sciences, Combustion, Atomization...

Prof. Pradipta Biswas


Human Computer Interaction, User Modelling, Multimodal Interaction, Intelligent Interaction He set up and lead the Interaction Design (I3D) Lab at CPDM, IISc. Vice chairman of ITU Study Group 9 and ...

Prof. Jishnu Keshavan

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IISc

Autonomous Aerial and Ground Systems, Nonlinear Estimation and Control Theory, Data-driven & Learning-based Control, Robust Control Systems Design, Vision-based Navigation Acknowledged expert in Rob...

Prof. Pradip Dutta


Solar Thermal Technologies, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Solidification, Materials processing At IISc, he teaches Thermodynamics, Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow and Convective Heat Tra...
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