Top 10 Must-Have UI/UX Designer Skills for 2024

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Saimadhu Polamuri

27 June 2024

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Top 10 Must-Have UI/UX Designer Skills for 2024

Learn how UX/UX designer skills impact product success and enhance user satisfaction by anticipating needs and habits. Know the value of seamless designing.


Table of Contents

  • Description

  • Recent Developments

  • Understanding UI/UX Design

  • Relationship between UI and UX

  • Must-Have UI Designer Skills in 2024

  • Must-Have UX Designer Skills in 2024

  • Role-Wise Salary for UI/UX Designers

  • Key Factors that Determine Salary Packages

  • Key Skills for UI/UX Designer

  • Growing Field with Ample Opportunities

Learn how UX/UX designer skills impact product success and enhance user satisfaction by anticipating needs and habits. Know the value of seamless designing.


In this digital era, excellent UI/UX designer skills are paramount. With the exponential growth of technology, intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and user-centric designs are in great demand as they play a pivotal role in determining the success of a digital product, whether it is a website, a mobile application, or software. 

The way users interact with a product, how easily they can navigate through it, and how much they enjoy the interaction all depend on how effectively UI and UX are employed. This increased emphasis on UI/UX design has transformed how digital products are created, and the skills designers require to remain relevant and successful.

UI or UX design is about crafting a seamless and enjoyable user journey. UI design focuses on the product's look, feel, responsiveness, and interactivity. On the other hand, UX design delves deeper into understanding a user's needs, behavior, and expectations, ensuring that a product is visually appealing but also functional, intuitive, and user-friendly. 

Both UI and UX aim to provide a satisfactory user experience that encourages continued use and loyalty, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and business success. 

This piece outlines the essential skills that UI/UX designers need in 2024. After understanding UI and UX design, we will enumerate the skills that UI and UX designers need to master and look at some future trends that are set to shape the industry.

If you are an aspiring designer, this comprehensive guide is just for you! It provides you with the necessary skills to prepare for the field.

Recent Developments

Over the past few years, the UI/UX field has seen substantial changes and advancements. With new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR), designers operate in an increasingly complex environment. 

The rise of voice user interfaces and gesture-based interfaces is challenging traditional screen-bound UIs. Moreover, users now expect more personalized and engaging experiences. Thus UI/UX designers are increasingly required to deliver increasingly sophisticated, accessible, and inclusive designs. 

User privacy and data security have also become central to the UX design process, with regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) impacting user data collection and use. 

Furthermore, there has been a shift towards remote work and digital collaboration due to the global pandemic, which has also influenced how design teams work together and communicate.

Given this dynamic environment, UI/UX designers must be up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and skills

Over the past few years, the UI/UX field has seen substantial changes and advancements. With new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR), designers operate in an increasingly complex environment. 

The rise of voice user interfaces and gesture-based interfaces is challenging traditional screen-bound UIs. Moreover, users now expect more personalized and engaging experiences. Thus UI/UX designers are increasingly required to deliver increasingly sophisticated, accessible, and inclusive designs. 

User privacy and data security have also become central to the UX design process, with regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) impacting user data collection and use. 

Furthermore, there has been a shift towards remote work and digital collaboration due to the global pandemic, which has also influenced how design teams work together and communicate.

Given this dynamic environment, UI/UX designers must be up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and skills

Understanding UI/UX Design

Let us first understand the fundamentals of UI and UX design, their importance in product development, and their symbiotic relationship.

UI Design

UI is crucial in product development as it directly influences user perception and interaction with a product. A well-designed UI can make a product stand out from competitors, boost user engagement, increase conversion rates, and build customer trust and loyalty. It delivers a positive user experience and ultimately contributes to the product's success. UI bolsters customer gratification by amplifying the ease of use, inclusivity, and enjoyment experienced during the customer's engagement with a product.

Key Principles 

  • Clarity: The interface should be self-explanatory and easy to understand without a manual or instructions.
  • Familiarity: The design should incorporate familiar elements and patterns so users are at ease and not uncomfortable about having to learn something new.
  • Responsiveness: The UI should provide instant feedback on the user's actions to communicate the results or progress.
  • Consistency: Similar interface parts should be designed similarly to ensure predictability and learnability.
  • Aesthetics: A visually appealing interface can greatly enhance the user's experience and satisfaction.


UX Design

User Experience (UX) design enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability and accessibility in the interaction between the customer and a product. 

Key Principles

  • User-Centered Design: The design process should start with understanding the users' needs, expectations, and behaviors.
  • Simplicity: The most effective way to achieve a task is the simplest way. A good UX design eliminates unnecessary steps and makes the process intuitive.
  • Usability: The product should be easy to use, learn, and navigate.
  • Consistency: Consistent design helps users find their way around a product.
  • Feedback: Users should be informed of actions, changes, or errors clearly and timely.

Let us first understand the fundamentals of UI and UX design, their importance in product development, and their symbiotic relationship.

UI Design

UI is crucial in product development as it directly influences user perception and interaction with a product. A well-designed UI can make a product stand out from competitors, boost user engagement, increase conversion rates, and build customer trust and loyalty. It delivers a positive user experience and ultimately contributes to the product's success. UI bolsters customer gratification by amplifying the ease of use, inclusivity, and enjoyment experienced during the customer's engagement with a product.

Key Principles 

  • Clarity: The interface should be self-explanatory and easy to understand without a manual or instructions.
  • Familiarity: The design should incorporate familiar elements and patterns so users are at ease and not uncomfortable about having to learn something new.
  • Responsiveness: The UI should provide instant feedback on the user's actions to communicate the results or progress.
  • Consistency: Similar interface parts should be designed similarly to ensure predictability and learnability.
  • Aesthetics: A visually appealing interface can greatly enhance the user's experience and satisfaction.


UX Design

User Experience (UX) design enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability and accessibility in the interaction between the customer and a product. 

Key Principles

  • User-Centered Design: The design process should start with understanding the users' needs, expectations, and behaviors.
  • Simplicity: The most effective way to achieve a task is the simplest way. A good UX design eliminates unnecessary steps and makes the process intuitive.
  • Usability: The product should be easy to use, learn, and navigate.
  • Consistency: Consistent design helps users find their way around a product.
  • Feedback: Users should be informed of actions, changes, or errors clearly and timely.

Relationship between UI and UX

Although UI and UX are distinct concepts, they are closely intertwined and often work hand in hand. UX design usually precedes UI design. UX designers map out the user journey, defining how the user interacts with the product, while UI designers take these blueprints to create a visual interface layout. 

Both are crucial for a product's success ꟷ a product with good UX but poor UI may be functional but won't provide a pleasing experience, while a product with good UI but poor UX may be beautiful but frustrating. Hence, both UI and UX are crucial in creating a positive and holistic user experience.

Although UI and UX are distinct concepts, they are closely intertwined and often work hand in hand. UX design usually precedes UI design. UX designers map out the user journey, defining how the user interacts with the product, while UI designers take these blueprints to create a visual interface layout. 

Both are crucial for a product's success ꟷ a product with good UX but poor UI may be functional but won't provide a pleasing experience, while a product with good UI but poor UX may be beautiful but frustrating. Hence, both UI and UX are crucial in creating a positive and holistic user experience.

Must-Have UI Designer Skills in 2024

The role of a UI Designer is multifaceted and requires a blend of technical and creative skills. Let us examine the must-have skills for a UI Designer in 2024.

Mastery over UI Design Tools

UI designers should be proficient in using various design software and tools. Adobe Suite (Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator), Sketch, Figma, and InVision are some of the popular tools in the industry. Each tool has unique features, and knowing when to use which tool is a key part of a UI designer's job.

Knowledge of UI Design Principles and Guidelines

A solid understanding of UI design principles is crucial. This includes principles like consistency, visibility, feedback, and the structure of design elements. Designers should also be familiar with guidelines provided by different operating systems like Google's Material Design for Android and Apple's Human Interface Guidelines for iOS.

Prototyping and Wireframing

Wireframes and prototypes are essential in the UI design process as they help visualize the design and functionality of an application. Proficiency in creating wireframes and prototypes using tools like Adobe XD, Balsamiq, or Figma is crucial.

Graphic Design and Branding

Good graphic design skills are essential for a UI designer. This includes typography, color theory, grid systems, and creating visually appealing layouts. Additionally, understanding branding helps designers align the UI with the brand's identity and vision, creating a consistent and immersive user experience.

Understanding of Coding Basics

While UI designers do not need to be expert coders, having a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be extremely beneficial. This knowledge allows designers to understand the possibilities and limitations of the technology they are designing for, collaborate more effectively with developers, and ensure their designs can be implemented smoothly.

Animation and Micro-interaction Design

Animation can make a UI more intuitive and enjoyable. Skills in micro-interaction design ꟷ small animations that guide or reassure the user, like a button changing color when clicked ꟷ can greatly enhance the user experience. Tools like Adobe After Effects or Principle can be used for this purpose.

Cross-platform Design

With users accessing applications across multiple devices, UI designers should be capable of designing for different platforms and screen sizes while ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience. An understanding of the specific UI guidelines and constraints of different platforms (web, iOS, Android, etc.) is essential.

The role of a UI Designer is multifaceted and requires a blend of technical and creative skills. Let us examine the must-have skills for a UI Designer in 2024.

Mastery over UI Design Tools

UI designers should be proficient in using various design software and tools. Adobe Suite (Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator), Sketch, Figma, and InVision are some of the popular tools in the industry. Each tool has unique features, and knowing when to use which tool is a key part of a UI designer's job.

Knowledge of UI Design Principles and Guidelines

A solid understanding of UI design principles is crucial. This includes principles like consistency, visibility, feedback, and the structure of design elements. Designers should also be familiar with guidelines provided by different operating systems like Google's Material Design for Android and Apple's Human Interface Guidelines for iOS.

Prototyping and Wireframing

Wireframes and prototypes are essential in the UI design process as they help visualize the design and functionality of an application. Proficiency in creating wireframes and prototypes using tools like Adobe XD, Balsamiq, or Figma is crucial.

Graphic Design and Branding

Good graphic design skills are essential for a UI designer. This includes typography, color theory, grid systems, and creating visually appealing layouts. Additionally, understanding branding helps designers align the UI with the brand's identity and vision, creating a consistent and immersive user experience.

Understanding of Coding Basics

While UI designers do not need to be expert coders, having a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be extremely beneficial. This knowledge allows designers to understand the possibilities and limitations of the technology they are designing for, collaborate more effectively with developers, and ensure their designs can be implemented smoothly.

Animation and Micro-interaction Design

Animation can make a UI more intuitive and enjoyable. Skills in micro-interaction design ꟷ small animations that guide or reassure the user, like a button changing color when clicked ꟷ can greatly enhance the user experience. Tools like Adobe After Effects or Principle can be used for this purpose.

Cross-platform Design

With users accessing applications across multiple devices, UI designers should be capable of designing for different platforms and screen sizes while ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience. An understanding of the specific UI guidelines and constraints of different platforms (web, iOS, Android, etc.) is essential.

Must-Have UX Designer Skills in 2024

UX design involves a deep understanding of users and their needs. This field is constantly evolving, and there are several critical skills that UX designers need to master in 2024, such as: 

User Research and Analysis

User Research is at the heart of UX design. It involves understanding user needs, motivations, and behaviors. UX designers should be skilled in user research, such as user interviews, surveys, and usability testing. Following research, designers should be able to analyze and interpret the data to draw meaningful insights that can inform design decisions.

Information Architecture and User Flows

Information architecture involves organizing and structuring information in a product in a way that is understandable and easy to navigate for users. Creating clear user flows and visual representations of a user's journey through a product is also a crucial skill. 

Mastery of UX Design Tools

Like UI designers, UX designers must be proficient in various design tools. This includes wireframing and prototyping tools (like Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD), user research and testing tools (like UserTesting, and Hotjar), and collaboration tools (like InVision, and Miro).

Interaction Design and Prototyping

UX designers should have a good grasp of design principles to create interactive prototypes. This involves understanding how users interact with a product and designing each element to ensure it responds to the user’s actions as expected. Tools such as Adobe XD and Figma are commonly used for prototyping.

Accessibility and Inclusive Design

Inclusive design and accessibility have become increasingly important in UX design. This involves considering color contrast, font size, and button placement. 

Understanding of Coding Basics 

While UX designers do not typically need to code, a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be very helpful. It allows designers to understand the technical constraints and possibilities of designing products and communicate more effectively with developers.

Data-Driven Design and Analytics

In the era of big data, understanding and using data is becoming increasingly important in UX design. UX designers should be able to use analytics tools, interpret data, and apply these insights to their design decisions. This allows for more informed, user-focused design and helps continuously improve the product based on user data.

UX design involves a deep understanding of users and their needs. This field is constantly evolving, and there are several critical skills that UX designers need to master in 2024, such as: 

User Research and Analysis

User Research is at the heart of UX design. It involves understanding user needs, motivations, and behaviors. UX designers should be skilled in user research, such as user interviews, surveys, and usability testing. Following research, designers should be able to analyze and interpret the data to draw meaningful insights that can inform design decisions.

Information Architecture and User Flows

Information architecture involves organizing and structuring information in a product in a way that is understandable and easy to navigate for users. Creating clear user flows and visual representations of a user's journey through a product is also a crucial skill. 

Mastery of UX Design Tools

Like UI designers, UX designers must be proficient in various design tools. This includes wireframing and prototyping tools (like Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD), user research and testing tools (like UserTesting, and Hotjar), and collaboration tools (like InVision, and Miro).

Interaction Design and Prototyping

UX designers should have a good grasp of design principles to create interactive prototypes. This involves understanding how users interact with a product and designing each element to ensure it responds to the user’s actions as expected. Tools such as Adobe XD and Figma are commonly used for prototyping.

Accessibility and Inclusive Design

Inclusive design and accessibility have become increasingly important in UX design. This involves considering color contrast, font size, and button placement. 

Understanding of Coding Basics 

While UX designers do not typically need to code, a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be very helpful. It allows designers to understand the technical constraints and possibilities of designing products and communicate more effectively with developers.

Data-Driven Design and Analytics

In the era of big data, understanding and using data is becoming increasingly important in UX design. UX designers should be able to use analytics tools, interpret data, and apply these insights to their design decisions. This allows for more informed, user-focused design and helps continuously improve the product based on user data.

Role-Wise Salary for UI/UX Designers

The salary of a UI/UX designer depends on various factors. Here is an overview of the salaries in the USA, India, and the UK.


In the USA, the average salary for a UI/UX designer is around $85,000 to $105,000 per year, according to various job platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed. This can increase to $150,000 annually for senior-level positions or jobs in high-cost areas like San Francisco or New York.


In India, a UI/UX designer can expect to earn around ₹6 to ₹9 lakhs per year on average. This figure can rise substantially with experience, with senior designers and heads of design earning over ₹20 lakhs per year.


In the UK, the average salary for a UI/UX designer is approximately £40,000 to £60,000 per year, according to Payscale and Glassdoor. For senior-level roles, the salary can exceed £80,000 per year.

The salary of a UI/UX designer depends on various factors. Here is an overview of the salaries in the USA, India, and the UK.


In the USA, the average salary for a UI/UX designer is around $85,000 to $105,000 per year, according to various job platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed. This can increase to $150,000 annually for senior-level positions or jobs in high-cost areas like San Francisco or New York.


In India, a UI/UX designer can expect to earn around ₹6 to ₹9 lakhs per year on average. This figure can rise substantially with experience, with senior designers and heads of design earning over ₹20 lakhs per year.


In the UK, the average salary for a UI/UX designer is approximately £40,000 to £60,000 per year, according to Payscale and Glassdoor. For senior-level roles, the salary can exceed £80,000 per year.

Key Factors that Determine Salary Packages

Below are the key factors that can influence the salary of a UI/UX designer:

  • Experience: As with most professions, experience significantly determines salary. More experienced designers generally command higher salaries due to their depth of knowledge and ability to handle more complex projects.
  • Skills: The breadth and depth of skills required for UI/UX Designer can also impact their salary. Designers who can handle both UI and UX or who have additional skills such as coding or project management may earn more.
  • Location: The demand for designers in a particular location can greatly influence salaries. For example, a designer working in a tech hub like San Francisco or Bangalore can expect to earn more than someone in a smaller city with less demand for design skills.
  • Industry: The industry in which a designer works can also impact their earnings. Industries such as technology and finance typically offer higher salaries compared to others.
  • Company Size: Larger and well-funded startups often pay higher salaries than smaller companies or early-stage startups.

Remember, while salary is an important consideration, it is also essential to consider other factors, such as the company culture, opportunities for learning and growth, and the type of projects you will be working on while evaluating job opportunities.

Below are the key factors that can influence the salary of a UI/UX designer:

  • Experience: As with most professions, experience significantly determines salary. More experienced designers generally command higher salaries due to their depth of knowledge and ability to handle more complex projects.
  • Skills: The breadth and depth of skills required for UI/UX Designer can also impact their salary. Designers who can handle both UI and UX or who have additional skills such as coding or project management may earn more.
  • Location: The demand for designers in a particular location can greatly influence salaries. For example, a designer working in a tech hub like San Francisco or Bangalore can expect to earn more than someone in a smaller city with less demand for design skills.
  • Industry: The industry in which a designer works can also impact their earnings. Industries such as technology and finance typically offer higher salaries compared to others.
  • Company Size: Larger and well-funded startups often pay higher salaries than smaller companies or early-stage startups.

Remember, while salary is an important consideration, it is also essential to consider other factors, such as the company culture, opportunities for learning and growth, and the type of projects you will be working on while evaluating job opportunities.

Key Skills for UI/UX Designer

Voice UI Design

Designers must understand how to design for voice interactions. This involves a different approach than visual interfaces, focusing on conversational flow and natural language understanding.

3D Design

With the rise of AR and VR, designers will need to get comfortable with 3D design tools and principles.

AI/ML Knowledge

Understanding the basics of AI and ML will be important for designers. This doesn't mean the designer must become an AI specialist but rather understand how these technologies can be used to enhance user experiences.

Ethics in Design

Designers will need to be aware of the ethical implications of their design decisions. This could involve privacy considerations, inclusivity, and understanding the environmental impact of digital products.

In the future, the most important skill for a UI/UX designer will be the ability to learn and grow as per the changes in technology and user needs. This will be critical to staying relevant and successful in the field.

Voice UI Design

Designers must understand how to design for voice interactions. This involves a different approach than visual interfaces, focusing on conversational flow and natural language understanding.

3D Design

With the rise of AR and VR, designers will need to get comfortable with 3D design tools and principles.

AI/ML Knowledge

Understanding the basics of AI and ML will be important for designers. This doesn't mean the designer must become an AI specialist but rather understand how these technologies can be used to enhance user experiences.

Ethics in Design

Designers will need to be aware of the ethical implications of their design decisions. This could involve privacy considerations, inclusivity, and understanding the environmental impact of digital products.

In the future, the most important skill for a UI/UX designer will be the ability to learn and grow as per the changes in technology and user needs. This will be critical to staying relevant and successful in the field.

Growing Field with Ample Opportunities

It is clear that the field of UI/UX design is vibrant and evolving and offers ample opportunities for those who are skilled and can adapt well.

The skills UI/UX designers must-have range from mastery of design tools, understanding the basics of coding, and the ability to prototype and wireframe for UI designers. UI/UX designer skills like user research, information architecture, interaction design, and data-driven design are all crucial for UX designers. 

We also highlighted the skills that both UI and UX designers need, including problem-solving, communication, empathy, time management, and constant learning. The most crucial skill, though, is the willingness and ability to learn continually. The UI/UX design field does not stagnate; it moves and evolves with technology and user needs. Lifelong learning isn't just nice to have—it is a must-have. This involves staying on top of emerging trends, understanding the implications of new technologies, and constantly refining and expanding your skill set.

It is important to keep honing your skills, adapt, and, most importantly, keep designing. The UI/UX design has immense opportunities, and It is time for you to make the most of it!

It is clear that the field of UI/UX design is vibrant and evolving and offers ample opportunities for those who are skilled and can adapt well.

The skills UI/UX designers must-have range from mastery of design tools, understanding the basics of coding, and the ability to prototype and wireframe for UI designers. UI/UX designer skills like user research, information architecture, interaction design, and data-driven design are all crucial for UX designers. 

We also highlighted the skills that both UI and UX designers need, including problem-solving, communication, empathy, time management, and constant learning. The most crucial skill, though, is the willingness and ability to learn continually. The UI/UX design field does not stagnate; it moves and evolves with technology and user needs. Lifelong learning isn't just nice to have—it is a must-have. This involves staying on top of emerging trends, understanding the implications of new technologies, and constantly refining and expanding your skill set.

It is important to keep honing your skills, adapt, and, most importantly, keep designing. The UI/UX design has immense opportunities, and It is time for you to make the most of it!


Table of Contents

  • Description

  • Recent Developments

  • Understanding UI/UX Design

  • Relationship between UI and UX

  • Must-Have UI Designer Skills in 2024

  • Must-Have UX Designer Skills in 2024

  • Role-Wise Salary for UI/UX Designers

  • Key Factors that Determine Salary Packages

  • Key Skills for UI/UX Designer

  • Growing Field with Ample Opportunities